The Light Vessel’s mission is to help restore your peace and harmony. We do this by guiding you to move beyond your trauma in a non-intrusive way using your innate energetic healing ability.
Everything in the Universe is comprised of energy. To obtain optimum health of mind, body and spirit we must have inner peace and harmony. Due to a lifetime of stressors and traumas, our life force energy can become blocked. As a result, you can experience a variety of illnesses, diseases, depression, anxiety, insomnia and more – everything EXCEPT peace and harmony.
Energy medicine is safe for everyone and is open to ALL religions and belief systems. As a channel for Divine love, healing and guidance, Chanin can help you navigate to your safe haven where you will experience peace and harmony once again.
At The Light Vessel, we lovingly welcome veterans and first responders and offer a special discount.
Why The Light Vessel?
Intuitive Guide
Chanin holds many certifications that, combined with her strong connection with Source and Cosmic forces, allows her to accurately perceive where her client’s energy is not flowing freely, causing physical, emotional, and spiritual suffering.
Spiritual Healing
When your energy vibration is high and clear, you can more easily remain happy and healthy because you are strongly connected to the eternal light within you and your HIgher Power.
Energy medicine treats the whole person and not just your symptoms. This helps you find true relaxation and feelings of peace, security, and well-being.
Proven Benefits
Energy medicine is utilized in many hospitals and clinics, including the Mayo Clinic and many VA medical centers.
Stress Reduction
Stress brought about by trapped emotions can be eased with Chanin’s potent Divine gifts. Clients quickly feel more at peace!
Ongoing Care
You may have years of emotional and physical trauma trapped in your body. The Light Vessel offers multiple options for your healing journey.
What Clients Say
I had a session with Chanin yesterday and she is Amazing!! Not only was she able to find my big blocks to clear but also gave me great insight into multiple pressing issues which is helping me move forward in a big way!! AND also gave me tons of valuable tools to help me after the session and beyond! So grateful for you Chanin! Will for sure be working together again!! Also woke up this morning with a pep in my step and a grateful heart!
I had a personal, distance session with Chanin. I was amazed by how she hit things right on the head about me/my life. I have also watched her online group sessions and feel goosebumps. I would definitely recommend Chanin. She knows her stuff!
I took part in a long-distance group relaxation and energy clearing conducted by Chanin. It was my first time, and I didn’t know what to expect. It was amazing! I felt much clearer and lighter—as if a burden was lifted from my shoulders. Chanin encouraged us to check in and share what results we experienced. I cannot recommend Chanin, and the incredible work that she does, enough.
I had a number of sessions with Chanin and every time was incredible. Chanin has a unique ability to heal in present moments of distress, anxiety, grief/sadness, worthlessness emotions.
Chanin did clear out the energy that was hindering me, and brought me to an instant state of calm.
I loved my session with Chanin! For about 15 minutes after the distance session began, I clearly felt my upper chakras open and I felt very alert. The energy was really moving in those areas. Later in the session, I felt a light vibration in my left arm from the energy in my heart space.
My cat Lulu, who is my reiki cat and always comes in close during meditations, joined me for this session and purred loudly on the arm of the chair the entire time. Chanin was so thorough, going over messages she received from each chakra, many of which were aspects I have been working on myself. She even covered her insight from ancestral messages.
Chanin is the soul of loving service and has a gift in her hands. Ever since I have known her she has had the vision to create a healing place. If you are a veteran, in active service, or if you are a first responder or family to same please look her up. And I thank you for your service.
Or if you are in another line of work and you are looking to heal up and move past limiting beliefs or patterns, and really get to the heart of accessing your power, she can help. Whatever you are up to I wish you all the luck and good results in your process.
Chanin has a vast array of training in energy medicine and mindfulness/life coaching that allows for a non-intrusive, holistic treatment for the root causes of trapped emotions and limiting beliefs. You will have PERMANENT behavioral change! This is a drug-free process that does not require you to talk about your past experiences to get relief from the effects of them. How awesome is that?!
You don’t even have to believe this type of energy medicine will work! It DOES!
In addition to helping with the reduction of chronic and acute physical and emotional pain, Chanin can help you release the causes of insomnia, anxiety, depression. PTSD, and SO much more!
AND, aside from helping you to release what causes you distress, Chanin can help you to ACTIVATE love, joy, and abundance in your life! Life is meant to be enJOYED!
Are you ready?! It is TIME for you to put yourself first!